Posted on 18 September 2009. Tags: energy consumption tips, home energy
Whether you admit it or not, with all the expenses you have in mind, no matter how big your salary is, you still want to save some extra bucks in one way or another. And the best place to start saving is right at your very home; on your power bills. Yes, your power bills. Continue Reading
Technorati Tags: energy consumption tips, home energy
Posted in Energy Saving Tips
Posted on 18 September 2009. Tags: energy efficiency, solar home energy
Solar energy—this term basically does not cause a stirring in the mind as the explanation that comes at hand is indeed too simple. Everyone knows what is meant by solar energy, and that is, the energy that comes from the sun. In its most basic sense, solar energy and other solar home equipment are nonetheless environment-friendly and not risky at all. Continue Reading
Technorati Tags: energy efficiency, solar home energy
Posted in Solar Power For Homes